How to Sign Up on Warnygo


1. How to create an account

Once Warnygo downloaded from the Marketplace, launch it from the application list. You will land on the start screen:



You can see four buttons in the application bar:

log in: log in to an existing account

sign up: create a new account

warnyplace: this is where you can find events (warnies) that interest you

warnymap: navigate the world map to see events all around the world


Press the button sign up:



Then enter the following fields:

user name: choose your user name on Warnygo. You can change your user name in your account settings any time, as long as the new user name is not in use

e-mail: we use your e-mail to confirm your new Warnygo account. It is not publicly visible to others

password: choose a password


Read the terms of use, and check the box "I accept the terms of use".

Press the button sign up and your done!


You will immediately receive an e-mail to confirm your e-mail address in order to validate your account.



2. After you've created your account

You are immediately connected to your newly created account.

Now your are ready to get started on Warnygo!


Click the following link to discover all you can do with Warnygo: get started on Warnygo.